On behalf of the Bell Warriors Football Club, we are pleased to announce that Brian Patterson is the 2015 Bell Warriors Volunteer of the Year. As part of his nomination, a Head Coach and member of for our club’s Executive gave his perspective on Coach Brian’s contributions to the Warriors:
“Brian Patterson is what starts it all off. He has been a dedicated coach and Head Coach for over a dozen years at our Warriors’ Tyke level. He’s not an internet, email, Facebook guy but he is the ultimate guy to set the tone for a club’s values with our Warriors’ families and players. He is a coach with a quiet demeanor that is competitive but most importantly, Brian likes being around kids. He involves his entire team in his games so that they all can enjoy an opportunity for success. They all leave our tyke program with a love for our sport, a good fundamental’s foundation and a pride in being a Warrior. When he isn’t coaching with us, he’s driving boys to track & field or coaching them basketball in the off-season. He not only is a great Warrior volunteer, he is a shining example of what the impact a dedicated volunteer can have in their community.”
Some Details:
Length of Service: the past 14 years (all at Tyke)
Quality of Service Provided: Tireless resource for enrolment of young players for our sport and Club. Immensely kind, pleasant and selfless. Gentle natured. Huge believer in engaging all our young players not just the natural athletes all for the betterment of the Club.
Positions Held: Offensive Coordinator and Head Coach Tyke level.
Contributions/Accomplishments: won numerous A, B and C cups since joining our club all at the tyke level
- Important recruiter in our more economically challenged communities (Ritchie St./Penny Drive/Bayshore)
- Active contributor to all Club planning exercises, Warrior banquets and events including our annual Winter Workouts
Impact on a Team, Club or NCAFA: Exemplifies the values our Club and NCAFA strive to instill while respecting the Code of Conduct at all times.
- Immensely respectful of league officials and opposing club’s volunteers
- Maintains >90% registration level for our Tyke level
- Picks and manages the coaching staff, manager, trainer and equipment manager for our Tyke level
- Ensures his team’s staff respect the proper use of all Club equipment and facilities
- Ensure at all times that player safety is of the utmost importance
- Ensure that proper adult supervision of the players during all games, practices and all other activities associated with their team
- Provides leadership and maintains required discipline of players on their team. Provides example of good sportsmanship and fair play and provides all players with the opportunity to improve their skills
- Emphasizes the importance of team work and respect for the rules, competition, and the role of officials while fostering enjoyment for the sport and pride in their Club
- Ensure that all players conduct themselves in an acceptable manner in all team activities
The award was presented to Coach Brian by one of his past players Quinn Stewart who played 3 years under coach Brian.
Here is the perspective from our Bantam Head Coach and President of our Club: “Brian Patterson coached both of my boys and he is responsible, more than any other coach in our club, in instilling a love of football. They both looked up to Brian as do I. I was lucky enough to coach with Brian for 4 years (my first 4 years). The bench was always calm. The practices were always focused on having fun but always with a goal to improve each and every one of our players’ football skills. As I moved up through the club, my appreciation for his commitment to our Tyke program grew. It is a rare person that will continue to come back year after year to basically ‘start all over’ but that’s what Brian does. He’s clearly a kid at heart who understands the importance in instilling pride, respect and confidence in our youth. I am proud to consider him a friend and thankful for his contribution to our league and club.”