Happy New Years to our Warriors Family. Here is to a great 2017!
The Bell Warriors hope this finds you all well, safe, healthy, happy and surrounded by family and friends.
Thank you for all you do for our club and our Warriors. Our success is a product of all we put into our program.
NCAFA Press Release: our league held a vote this past week to discuss re-aligning our age groups as part of a plan to grow our sport while aligning with Football Canada direction. The league understands that this will have many long-term benefits but it will affect families & volunteers especially in this upcoming transitional year. The league will be gathering feedback from league Presidents and the league’s Officials Association to use as the backbone our our 2017 Implementation Plan. A report will be tabled at January’s NCAFA Board meeting. We will communicate the Implementation Plan as soon as details are available. If you have any questions, please email president@bellwarriors.ca.
Diane Forsyth, whose husband Geoff is the head coach at our Mosquito level, spent over 100 hours last fall making a hand-made queen-sized quilt which she has aptly named “Warriors Pride“. Blazen in Warrior colours, this magnificent keep-sake was independently appraised at $1,000!
The quilt was donated to the Warriors last Christmas to help raise funds to offset player fee shortfalls and the Warriors sold raffle tickets for it all season. “The support for the raffle was fantastic. I think the club and community recognized the effort it took to make this quilt and wanted to make sure that our fundraiser was a huge success….and that it was! At the recent Volunteer Appreciation Night, Warriors’ VP Dan Crabtree announced that over $1,400 had been raised with the raffle! We couldn’t be happier with the way the raffle went” states Paul Stewart, Bell Warriors President.
The winner of the Warriors Pride quilt raffle was none other than the long-time head coach of our Tyke team, our 2015 Volunteer of the Year Brian Patterson. CONGRATS Brian and we can’t thank you enough Diane for your kind and thoughtful support of our Warriors. THANK YOU!
At the recent Volunteer Appreciation Night, the Warriors announced that Bantam parent Kelly Broad is the recipient of the Frank Napolitano Volunteer of the Year Award for 2016! President Paul Stewart made the presentation noting that, “so many of the volunteers that were on hand that night could well be worthy recipients. With this award we’ve tried to highlight volunteers that have taken on unique roles with the club and who’ve left a legacy with their selfless commitment to our players and club. Although this year’s recipient may not be as recognized by everyone in the club, we wanted our Warriors to realize what a true inspiration Kelly Broad was.”
Kelly did not have an official role with the club but this did not stop her in any way from seeing work to be done and stepping in whenever possible. Whether it was from supplying tents for our sidelines, warm and/or dry clothing for our boys or pre-game meals for our players, Kelly was on it. When she heard players couldn’t afford cleats, she bought new pairs. When she heard players needed drives to and from games, Kelly was on it and when she learned of the financial challenges that many of our young players faced, she chose to be part of the solution. She approached the club early in the season with wishes to start a bursary to financially support players in need to honour the 5th anniversary of the loss of her husband Dion. “With Kelly, it is about being selfless and being motivated to make a difference with her actions. Seeing her caring and commitment for our players and club was nothing short of amazing this year. We are very proud of the example of good will Kelly gave our players this year and couldn’t be happier with this year’s selection for Volunteer of the Year Kelly Broad.” ~ Paul Stewart, Bell Warriors President