NCAFA, OSEG Foundation and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa are very pleased to announce the start of new program designed to help local youth whose families currently face food security issues at home.
This new program has one aim, to get kids playing a team sport, kids whose families simply don’t have the resources to pay the registration fees or buy equipment. Something that so many of us take for granted- is simply out reach for them.
NCAFA, the OSEG Foundation and Big Brothers Big Sisters want that to change.
Every kid should experience what it is like being part of a sports team, to make new friends, to be acknowledged for their hard work by coaches and teammates. Simply being accepted for who they are.
How it works:
NCAFA will provide 50 roster spots with financial support from the OSEG Foundation to kids who are identified through Big Brother Big Sisters of Ottawa. Once identified, these kids will then report to their local NCAFA club. Participating players will not be singled out as sponsored and their privacy will be protected.
If you have any question about “Our Huddle Includes Everyone” or want to know how to donate to this great cause, please email Gawain Harding, VP Programs NCAFA at president@vikingsgatineau.ca or contact your Club President (president@bellwarriors.ca).