Zachary Statham-Souliere Obituary & Tribute details
“This beautiful boy will be celebrated this Sunday Oct 6th at the Tubmans Funeral Homes (Bells Corners) on Richmond Rd between 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. There will not be a service. It is reception only. Light refreshments will be provided. If you have any pics of Zack that you would like to share, please forward them to his Aunt Jodi Statham. All are welcome to come dressed in whatever you are comfortable in. If you have a football or hockey jersey, please wear it! Love and hugs ❤” – Karin Statham (Zach’s mother)
There are also two pages that we know of to help the family:
Meal Train for Statham Family
Go Fund Me – Please help Zach Rest In Peace
There was also a commemorative moment of silence at the Bel-Air Norsemen’s home game Friday night. How amazingly brave of Karin Statham and Guy Souliere and so typically thoughtful and appropriate of Lyne Viau, Tony Violante and the entire Bel-Air Football Club to praise this young man who impacted so many of us. May we all leave a legacy where we have touched so many with our courage, loyalty and friendship: